MiniCNC is a compact 5-axis CNC machine used for prototyping. Its main functions include precise processing of a wide range of materials (non-ferrous metals, waxes, modeling plastics) and producing high precision parts of small dimensions. Its low prime cost serves as its primary competitive edge.
Selecting appropriate accessory components for processing various materials is a critical requirement. Modeling plastics typically require spindle speeds of 8,000–15,000 RPM, while aluminum demands higher speeds of 15,000–18,000 RPM. The chosen components must accommodate these operating ranges while maintaining precision tolerances within 10 microns.
The machine should be compact for ease of use, yet robust and heavy to ensure accuracy by minimizing vibration and deflection.
Our Role
Searching for analogues and solutions in design;
3D modeling;
Engineering R&D;
Industrial design;
Kinematic computer simulations.
Technologies Used
FEA/FEM simulations
Industrial design
3D modeling
Сoncept Development
Design for Manufacturing
For Enterprises
• R&D + design + manufacturing under ONE roof • Scale up and down your team • Intergrated hardware + software development • New technologies and research
During the first stage of the project, contemporary modern industrial design needed to be made for a small-sized prototype of a 5-axis CNC machine. It was originally intended to be used in the medical field for machining parts with complex configurations, such as various medical implants and prostheses. As the project moved along the stages, the customer decided to extend the spheres of the machine's application. The machine now can also be applied in jewelry workshops, home craftsmen, construction bureaus, etc.
Work space of the machine (CAD model)
At the initial stage, we conducted benchmarking to assess competitor solutions. The primary objective was to identify accessory components with zero or near-zero rotational backlash (measurable in seconds), a rigid machine bed, and a gantry system designed to minimize deflection. Based on this analysis, we presented the customer with a curated selection of machine components and selected the optimal precision solution, aligning with the project's budget constraints.
The machine was subject to high requirements for processing accuracy (less than 10 microns). In order to achieve a high level of precision, it was necessary to provide a low vibration rate. Industrial solutions make rigid, heavy beds and gantries for eliminating deflection, as well as pricey components with zero backlash, to achieve this goal. Such an approach contradicted requirements for cost, ergonomics, and compactness.
For the machine, we designed a modular design. Modules, such as cooling lubricant supply system, vacuuming systems, instrument replacing systems, measuring probe, laser engraving head, modules for fixing workpieces, were supplied separately. This allowed for the cheaper cost of the basic version of the machine. The user now can buy additional modules without overpaying for unnecessary features.
Inside view of the machine (CAD model)
Initial hypothesis was the usage of ceramic granite as a bed material. It has a huge weight and allows to decrease the production costs for the bed once compared with cast iron or steel. We did rounds of testing which showed that ceramic granite was too fragile to reach such an objective. We designed a bed from ceramic granite, reinforced with rolled aluminum. That way, we obtained a vibration resistant bed with rigidness which would allow the machine to function. The weight of the machine once assembled was roughly 80 kg. Simulations revealed that this weight is sufficient to stop vibrations that can impair the processing's precision.
The use of a composite material made of aluminum and ceramic granite made it possible to gain the desired weight and at the same time eliminate the disadvantage of ceramic granite, which is its fragility. We were able to confirm this with the help of computer simulations at the development stage, that way avoiding the costs of prototyping the initially made hypothesis.
The second stage focused on designing a high-pressure coolant supply system for the machine's tool and workpieces. This system effectively removes heat from the cutting zone, reducing tool wear and enabling higher cutting speeds. Cooling the processing zone also improves chip control, preventing unplanned equipment shutdowns and increasing machine utilization. The coolant is delivered at high pressure through nozzles that generate parallel laminar flows, precisely directed at the application area to maximize efficiency.
Cooling lubricant supply system (CAD model)
The coolant is delivered via a pump and hose to a dual-section tank, separated into clean and contaminated compartments. From the tank, the coolant flows into a hydrocyclone, where large contaminants are removed. The partially purified liquid then enters the second stage of filtration before returning to the clean section of the tank. From there, a second pump supplies the filtered coolant to the machine. The system also cools the purified liquid within the tank. This advanced module distinguishes the MiniCNC from competitors, particularly DIY kits.
Strength calculations (CAE model)
The third stage of the project involved conducting strength calculations for the machine components. These calculations focused on optimizing the machine's structural framework to enhance accuracy and performance. Using numerical simulation methods, we analyzed the elastic deformations of the machine parts, including both the base components and the displacements occurring at joint interfaces. The results provided critical insights into the design decisions made during the development of the machine's positioning system and supplied the necessary data for further optimization.
Simulation revealed that the turntable and bed required increased linear rigidity. Through iterative design optimization, several solutions were identified to significantly enhance the structural integrity of these components. For the bed, the addition of supporting elements proved most effective, while the turntable benefited from the integration of longitudinal stringers. These modifications increased the overall system rigidity by 80%.
Results and Benefits
As a result, we developed an industrial design for a 5-axis CNC machine, carried out a number of experiments with the cast ceramic granite and machine calculations to measure the required technical parameters. The customer received the benchmarking results, 3D model prototypes of the machine, as well as the results of rigidity calculations.